Monday, December 28, 2009

You Cant See Me,,I'm Invisible

"To footwear designer Andreia Chaves, each shoe is an individual work of art. Raised in the busy metropolis of Sao Paulo, Brazil – Chaves understands that beauty can be found in chaos, a concept that reveals itself in her footwear designs. She explains this in her own words, 'The fact that I grew up in a chaotic city like Sao Paulo, full of contrasts, being in contact with such diversity and constant exposure to different visual inputs, has inspired me in how I think and conceptualize my shoes. Looking at my work, I can clearly see influence coming from my South American sense of versatility. Also in the mix - what I have been experiencing in Europe.'
During her time in Florence she’s been intensely studying form, texture & visual effect, and experimenting with different materials on footwear design."
"These concepts come to life in each shoe created. For example, “The Invisible Shoe” has a mirrored surface, creating a deceptively obscured optical effect with every step taken. The chameleon-like façade blends in perfectly with any environment."
this shoe is sooo dope i mean come on now they are like mirrors. most creative thing i've seen in awhile.
thats why i love life. i embrace great art.

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