Friday, September 18, 2009


my love my bff Karla Breone
this is the bff/sis my everything basically lol
i love this chick soo she keeps me focus and makes sure i never give up
she's effen crazy though lol but hey shes a Gemini lol (argghh)
oh and btw SHE'S MAD TALENTED..
man she dope.
even though she in college stressed and what not she still make time to talk
this friend right here is a keeper for life!
(in 5 years she will be on Broadway!!!)
this ladies and gents is my cuzzo quitisha lee
she is too a aspiring fashion designer. yes it runs in the fam lol
but she's super dope and creative and i love this chick.
with her humble and creative personality..she made it in PARSONS!!
you will be hearing from her soon
so she is one of the main influences in my life!
(that is her garbage dress..homemade)
who doesnt know who these Young starlets are..
angela and vannessa are fierce lol
i admire their hard work,and strong decisions.
i also love their laid back style..but with some edge
and they are super funny lol
OMG i love this yung fella
ever since i saw that episode on runs house where he tried to pitch his vision,
i immediately fell in love.
this handsome dude (also a simmons)
is very committed to his work.
and i admire his presence and style.
to be young talented intelligent and cute lol is a plus
i cant wait to meet him!
this is adrian
i blogged about him in the previous posts.
but again he is a very talented photographer
he influenced me to have an interest in photography
so ima start taking classes and buying a pro camera thanks to him
man his photos has a story that is soo eloquent.
not only is he talented but also very very handsome lol
but i really have high hopes for him.
he will be the first dude i call whenever i wanna make a lookbook or do a fashion shoot.
im really Looking forward to meeting him..
ahh i love this chick
she is soo eccentric
her name is charlie btw lol
her style is sooo amazing
she's a fashion expert,dancer and she makes glasses.
she is soo committed to her craft(s)
her blog is like my bible lol
this is one person i need to meet.
(i had emailed her telling her what an inspiration she is to me)
wow wow wow
where do i get started omg
she is like my friggn idont even know lol
but she is like the dopest person alive ughhh
her style is sooo ME
in school everybody say i remind them of that girl who was on sweet 16 from ny with the big hair lol
that is such a HUGE compliment.
like he has many talents man..
singing dancing style
i friggn love her.
when i meet her i might cry....well idk lol
but yea this is one person i seriously gotta meet.

hmmm i wonder who i inspire


YHANNI said...

Adrian and Charlie, my babies!
do you know them personally?

1 Dope Kidd said...

No unfortunately not. but i do know of them lol
but hopefully one day i'll meet them!
btw i love your blog!